Thursday, July 14, 2011

Does this make me a bad person? :(?

There is this girl that I am 99% sure likes me. And she doesn't hide the fact, she's a god damn stalker. And she's not even funny or anything, she's just so awkward around me, it's kind of creepy! Anyways, she will always start up the worst conversations with me to which I reply with usually one word in an extremely monotone voice just to push this point across "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE." and then she just kind of retracts like a turtle into a shell. And... I know everyone should be treated nicely but c'mon, if a girl likes a guy then don't be a massive creeper to the point where you're staring at him for a solid 30 seconds from the front of the room when I'm in the back... And she's not even attractive! And whenever I completely blow her off it makes me happy that she leaves me alone. I mean if she asked me out I wouldn't hesitate saying no, and I wouldn't say it nicely either. I'm usually such a nice person! I don't know what it is about her that makes me HATE her! Does this make me a bad person? :O thanks!

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