Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Windows Vista won't accept my product key?

Where are you getting the COA key from, if it's the sticker on the back, then try that again, because sometimes a lot of the letters & numbers look exactly the same (I usually take a digital photo of the COA & zoom in to read that)....

GTA IV TBoGT please help!!?

I downloaded Grand Theft Auto IV: The Ballad of Gay Tony yesterday. I'm 45% complete in story mode and I don't have The Lost And Damned. I havnt done anything related to TBoGT in the story mode yet, when and how do I get to play TBoGT? Please help!

I'm giving up on my life?

I'm 16, I've been in hospital since February. I've been diagnosed with serious depression, and major anxiety. Pretty much my mind tells me EVERYONE hates me, or talks behind my back, even my friends, people i don't know, everyone. It's horrible. To feel like people hate you. I think people hate me because i'm not manly enough or I'm not perfect in their eyes. I'm constantly focusing on my appearance and body image (I'm a guy). And I have to check the mirror EVERY 10 MINUTES and it makes me feel ****. I can't change the way my mind thinks. It's been a massive build up of depression and anxiety for about 4 years and I only told people in February. But it's been going on to long, nothing is working, no medication is working either, nothing. I go on Y!A and talk about this, and I get people saying "toughen up loser, you have a good life, your lucky" and "you should commit suicide, jesus would hate you because you give up so easily" I'm christian btw. Why, even when I ask for help, I get dIck heads saying that to me? why? So what do I do now? it's horrible, feeling like this. Thinking my friends hate me , thinking the public and family hates me. It's ****. Bad. They said I get at least 1,000 thoughts in an hour, 90% of them on negative things. So what do I do? I'm thinking suicide is the best option. If anyone is going to say I should toughen up or say some damn rude thing like you're weak or an idiot, say it. I will commit suicide. Just say it, one person and I will do it. I'm serious.

Will the Tea Baggers suffer the same consequences as Sarah Palin, only 25% have a favorable opinion of her?

Poor Sarah, she isn't much approved of by most folks, in fact only 25% and they are mostly made up of the Far Right fringe, Birthers and Tea Party folk. Since her wagon was hitched to the Tea Party, does it only make sense that they too will go they way of Palin? 53% view her negatively....and that number has steadily risen over the last year. The more the public got to see her, it seems the more they dislike her.

Do leftists realize what they're saying when they use the term "tea bagger?"?

If members of the TEA party are tea baggers, doesn't that put the "bag" squarely on the chins and foreheads of the passed out, oblivious leftists?

What order should i read the Star Wars books?

Ive seen all the movies and heard the books are really good...but there are just so damn many of them, my school library has like 15. I wanna know what order they are meant to be read in if anyone can tell me please???

Metal gear online access problem!?!?

Alright so its been a while since ive played metal gear solid online. thing is i cant remember the email and password ive used....i typed in every possible combination i can think of and no success so i instead opted for my new email address linked to my playstation account, the registering was successful but now it says ive used my free account priveledge for the game which was registered to the god damn ID i cant remember id now either have to pay for a new account (which i cant do atm) or spend this whole night busting my brain for answers...but atm the only thing im busting is a vein in my there a way to bypass this or some kind of measure i can use to access it or am i totally screwed?

Physical limitations during 5th month of pregnancy?

I'm 5months pregnant, no complications, not a high risk pregnancy. As far as I can tell I'm healthy. And I work as a bagger at a grocery store. I was wondering if there are things I shouldn't do? My job duties include bagging groceries, picking up 50lb. Dog food bags, picking up 20pack soda boxs, picking up cases of beer other assorted lifting, pretty much any heavy lifting/carrying for customers or cashier. I also help customers out to the car and load their car for them.I also have to bring in carts from outside which requires pushing carts usually around 4or5carts at a time. Usually were assigned to bring in carts for 1hour 3or4times during our shifts, so I'm pushing carts a total of 3 to4hours per shift, &were not allowed to have more then 5carts out in the parking lot in any given time. So pushing carts is one of my concerns especially since where I live the heat has been into the 90s(degrees) recently. I just don't want to strain or hurt myself of the baby in any way. I would like to no any physical limitations that comes w/how far along I am. Thank you.

Y&R-Who do you think Katherine should sell Jabot too?

If she sells Jabot to Victor,Katherine will not only have nightmares,she'll get a personal visit from good old dead John Abbott. They were best friends for many many years. Selling Jabot to Victor would be like sticking a stake in John Abbott's heart. If she owns it and can hire the best people in town to run it,why not put her name on the door and get all the glory?

Will the Justice Department's crack down on internet poker get Obama fired in 2012?

I've never voted for a republican in my life but if the tea baggers advocate legalizing poker then they've got my vote. Yours?

Donald Trump has bankrupted mosty of his companies yet Tea Baggers just love him...why?

Why do they like a failed businessman who inherited his money from his father and who has bankrupted his companies numerous times?

Does anybody else think The biggest mistake Harley ever made was not making Eric Buell their lead engineer?

I have a bagger (FLHT) and I do love it but outside of the touring line I don't see anything worth having in the rest of their line. I think eric would have taken them in a better direction as opposed to doing the same thing with minor tweaks year after year.

I have a question about a pregnancy bagger...?

I am four weeks and two days pregnant and I work as a bagger at Publix for almost a year. Is it okay? I usually bag food stuff and sometimes lift boxes of water bottles and up to 50 pounds of dog food bags. I also push up to five carts at a time. Is it risky and can it cause a miscarriage?

Why do teenagers not take their jobs seriously?

I always visit my local grocery store & teenagers do not take their jobs seriously, they chat with their baggers or sometimes even text, and flirt with customers

Why are women always trying to trap us?

You don't think you should have to pay child support? Then you are either not old enough, or not mature enough, to have a relationship with a girl.....

I am just annoyed with "friend"?

My roommate continues to break up with her girlfriend 6 times this month and twice this week. She sit here and tells me how its over and she means it for real. Its starting to get annoying and played out. I mean like really twice this week. I know some people may say that its none of this is my business, but she is sitting here every time saying ITS REALLY OVER and HOW DONE SHE IS with her. Its starting make her look crazy. I mean I have been in love before, but damn. This is straight up crazy and stupidity. I am tired of giving this girl advice. Its JUST POINTLESS. And why do she sit her and talk to me about it, If she knows she gonna do the same damn thing. Its crazy.

What does it take to be a grocery bagger?

i want a job and this is the only one at my age (14) i could probably get. i don't really know how to apply to it since i haven't done anything before this. advice?

Do Republicans have the Birther & Bagger Blues after Obama made BC public today?

Since Hawaii doesn't give out the original copy, Obama sent his lawyers to court to get permission to do this. Now that the Birther lies are public there are many that see this as a Republican problem along with the Far Right and Tea Baggers groups. Are Republicans having 2nd thoughts about these groups as well as the Radical Ryan Budget which eliminates Medicare as we know it to send trillions in tax breaks to the Richest?

Where do these gents get their insight, wisdom, and knowledge?

Most likely from experiencing their life and from good advice they've received from their parents, friends, teachers, or anyone else who has been in a committed relationship and worked through all of their problems without taking the easy way out by divorce.

Is Trump and Palin and Beck and Rush and Ann do they do the GOP Proud?

And lets not forget the birthers? The tea baggers, those that claim to be christian yet put down the President for any and all things he says, does, eats, sees, and is?

Help me plz!! Do anynone have backing track of Angel song?

As the title, I really need backing track/karaoke/instrumental of Angel in the version of Katherine Jenkins. Does anyone have a link or any file I can download and get the copy of it? Please I need it so bad. If anyone got some clue, answer plz!! I found just the version of Sarah Mclachlan

Are Republicans peeved over Obama killing OBL and all they have is Birthers and Tea Baggers left?

Can you blame them for being upset. The bubble they lived in for the last 30 or more years of them thinking they are the Party of National Security burst big time Sunday. What do they have left now...just the Birthers and Tea Baggers. Wouldn't you be a bit peeved if you were them?

I'm getting fat but I like it?

I've always been slim but it's fair to say over the last few months I've gotten a bit big. Over winter I adopted some unhealthy eating habits that have carried on throughout the year adding about 30lbs to my weight making me around 185lbs. The only negative is my rapidly expanding waistline and the fact I spend a lot of my allowance on snacks and food. I never used to care for food much but now it all seems so tasty! I can happily eat through loads of biscuits and cakes, I now eat 3 chocolate cream filled eclairs everyday without fail, I know I shouldn't but they taste so damn nice. The only person who makes critical remarks is my mum as she says she doesn't want a fat son and she's tired of buying me bigger and bigger clothes. Like she keeps grabbing my new fat and telling me to get rid. I don't really care about my weight so is this a problem?

First job ideas and your suggestions?

Okay so I am 18. I have s brand new girlfriend. First actually.I'm doing HS online and will graduate within the next 4weeks or so. I then need a job. A job that is not fast food or grocery bagger. Something different. I'm a athletic person and thought about hotshot firefighting when wildfire season starts this coming winter. I need other ideas like maybe working in a gym or a warehouse. Or something that someone more experienced might know of that I wouldn't. Any tips for things like that. I have a taken a employment class that helps with things in getting a job like building a resume and how to speak at a job interview. I would like store or job suggestions and ideas on how to go about getting a two jobs and maybe what kind of night jobs to look for. I have mover out of my parents house and live with my gparents for tue time being but want to graduate move out and start college. Any help will help :)))

Katherine Applegate summer series?

Are there only Beach blondes, and then Tan Lines? are there any after that or did she end with Tan Lines?

How to get to Hollow Bastion?

In Kingdom hearts 1, I did all the other levels. Found all the keyholes. Done. Went back to all the levels to see if I forgot something. NOTHING. This is driving me up the damn wall. How do I get to Hollow Bastion? I went to see Merlin, he just asked if I wanted to practice magic. Went to talk to Cid, He just wants to sell Gummy stuff. What do I do?!?! AHHHHH.

How to Wear Mens Jeans for Girls?

So I've recently wanted to get a pair of baggy jeans, as I am in the music industry and going for a more tomboyish hip hop look. I figured I would gets a pair of mens jeans. So would i the same size in mens as i would in womens jeans? Or should I get them a size larger for a bagger look?

Rate or Comment on My Favorite Names! (:?

Those are very pretty names. I love your spelling of Isobel; it looks so elegant. The only one I don't like is Lauren because my name is Laura, and I've always thought it was just too common. Caroline Juliet, Isobel Violet, Lucas Nathaniel, & Andrew James are stunning.

How good is the toro supper bagger?

I am thinking of getting a toro super bagger with Honda 160 engine. The other is a Honda hrx mower. What are your opinions so I can choose the mower? Thanks

Do you agree with the NY Times that obama is putting politics ahead of economic policies to help the economy?

Considering that article is just a list of republican talking points, no, I don't think the Times "gets it."

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Why are people obsessed with male anal sex on here and shoehorn it in on a religious context?

They haven't matured beyond the Freudian stage of development in which he says that children are obsessed with their anus.

Which of these for 3 girls names?

My three favorite names are probably Cordelia, Ivy, and Camille...but it's hard to name characters without knowing anything about them...any one of these names could be THE perfect name for a different type of character.

Question about Desperate Housewives?

So I just recently started watching Desperate Housewives, I'm on Season Four, and I keep hearing things about Katherine and Mike Delfino getting together. Is that true? What happened? How does Katherine and Mike end up together, if that's even true at all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How much do you like these names?

k so here is a list of names so just say on a scale of 1-10 how much u like them. Clarissa, Abby, Anna, Jessica, Michaela, Ava, Rachel, Katherine, and Megan! and also if u want then can u say y u like them as much as u do? thanx!

Will Tea Party need to brush up on what makes an American? The 14th Amendment is not on their side?

They would probably disagree, but I think the tea party stands for everything that is wrong with America. Isolationism, paranoia, etc

How to play original Xbox game on 360 Slim 4gb?

Microsoft are a bunch of damn right liars, I download Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas to my Xbox 360 Slim 4GB and b4 I downloaded it, it said "This game has been fully tested to work on your Xbox 360 Console, However, you may experience slight glitches with sound/video.' I PAYED for it, downloaded it, THEN it says when I try to play the game: 'You Must Attach An Xbox 360 Hard Drive To Play Original Xbox Games.' I have a genuine Xbox 360 Hard Drive and transfer cable but one, the Xbox has a HDD built in >_> and two, how can i put a frickkin Xbox Hard Drive on a 4gb Slim????/ WTF!!!!

Tipping baggers at the commissary?

Is it just me or are the Asian ladies that Bag the groceries at the commissary here in Fort Polk rude when they dont feel like they got enough of a tip? I like to take my things to my car myself but we always tip them $3 just for bagging.I feel like I get a snobby attitude no matter how much we give them.

What do you think of this name for my baby girl?

Love it! Katherine is powerful, smart-sounding, and timelessly feminine, and Elise flows beautifully with it. I love Kate as well.

HELP! I am just starting as a bagger at a grocery store and I am so nervous!?

i have been dying for the last hour freaking out about this. I know its not a big deal, but i get nervous about everything! about how many items do you put in a bag? what order do you put them in? what happens if I mess up? AAHH omg i am freaking out! please help me with what you have to do and try to cam me down! thanksssss

How come you don't hear about the tea bagger terrorists in the news anymore?

Haven't you caught on to the patterns of the television; there's a new story every two weeks, right not Schwarzenegger is in, last week, Osama, and the week before that, the royals.

What is Life's True Meaning?

Life's True Meaning is a fat, unloved octogenarian who never got a good seeing to in her youth. I'd offer to take one for the time and work the kinks out of her but I'm afraid it would be suicide mission.

Will the T-baggers ever succeed in getting the gubbmint out of their Medicare?

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Now that Osama Bin Laden is dead....?

Do you think the radical Republicans, tea baggers, birthers, and the other idiots in between will lay off the president at all? I say probably not.

What do you think of this name for my baby girl?

I think it's adorable! I love matching a long name and a short name together, and these ones pair so perfectly. I think the nickname Kate is sweet as well, and maybe even Katie while she's a baby/child/teenager? I also really like the meaning of Katherine (It means "Pure"). Anyway, great name, and best of luck :)

Who is that one wrestler?

That you use to hate, but now wish they were back wrestling in the WWE. I use to hate Kurt Angle and JBL. But now looking back Kurt Angle was a damn good performer and I wish he was with WWE not TNA. What ever happened to JBL?

Ladies, does this sound like the perfect guy to be with?

So this guy is young, in college at least, he is an excellent sense of humor and will make you laugh your pants out, he is a football player and enjoys lifting and body building, although he does not have a six pack, but he is pretty damn big and muscular. In his free time he enjoys going out and having a blast, and being with his family ( family person as well). He loves to cook and is very good at it, and he would most certainly cook for you anytime. He also is very much so into cars and motorcycles, and owns a muscle car like a corvette. His occupation is working as a chef in a restaurant. So ladies, tell me, does this sound like a good guy??

Interview for position as a bagger?

so what can i expect to be asked? and if they are giving interviews on two days do u think they are hiring multiple people?

Agnostic in need of alternative terminology?

I have recently become very serious about my Agnosticism(sp?) and am finding that one of the more difficult things is removing "God" from my lexicon. I think its a little hypocritical for me to say phrases like "For the love of God", "God damn", "Oh my God", etc. So what are some good alternatives?

What do you think of the names Samuel Roy and Max David for twin boys?

Roy is my father in law and David is my dad. Daniel is my brother if you think Max Daniel would be better. Their siblings are Emily Susan, Lily Katherine and Elizabeth Grace.

Naming identical triplets?

Girl: Nicole Elizabeth, Haley Lynn, and sapphire Ann boys:Jayden Christopher, Damon Michael, and Dexter Allen

Teen books about summer and boys?

something similar to Katherine applegates summer series, Hailey abbotts summer related books, any types, no vampires or anything though, just books related with summer and boys and beaches

Rice cooker is not working as water entered !! How to repair ?

i tried to wash it and accidentally dropped it in the sink full of water . damn ! what to do now ? even the display is not working . already waited for 4 hours to let it dry .Nothing changed .

Teen books about summer and boys?

something similar to Katherine applegates summer series, Hailey abbotts summer related books, any types, no vampires or anything though, just books related with summer and boys and beaches

Monday, July 18, 2011

Is he a chauvinistic? Need advise!?

my boyfriend says that it would be ok with him if i score equal % as him or may be 2 or 3 % more..while he is damn encouraging when it comes to participation or leading something where even he is involved. i dont understand clearly why these different he a chauvinistic?

Feather extensionssss?


Is there a way to make your period end quicker?

I started my period on sunday, its been 2 days since I have been on my period, today is a very nice day and I want to go swimming very bad, the problem is I'm still on my period! damn it! is there a way to make my period end quicker and not bleed anymore?

How can i deal with this? Its driving me crazy!?

Nothing you can do. But heres a plan. Be her friend and a good one. Show her that your a nice guy, so if something happens you can get her. Somewould say this is a ticket to the friend zone but not really if you know what your doing. IT would work better than just coming out of nowhere and trying to get with her. This seems to be the only way. Good luck man

Why do Tea Baggers want to get rid of Scientists who check air quality, why don't they want Clean air?

What does reigning in the EPA have to do with making it function better (which it needs to) to ensure companies are operating without destroying the planet around us. It's always the extreme with most of the Tea Party saying to de-fund most of the government expect for defense. Why don't they just call themselves libertarians (drop the whole tea party charade) and be done with it. Taxed enough already - I know plenty of liberals who have protested in DC for decades against tax hikes. That isn't an ideologue reserved just for conservatives; what it really boils down to is if either side thinks there taxes are being spent on what they agree on.

How do I change my name on my yahoo email?

First click the drop down list beside your name on the upper left side of yahoo mail. then click profile. there's an edit link. click it, from then you can change your name and display name.

Do you think I sprained my ankle?

its probably sprained if its still hurting when you walk. it could be a very minor sprain that could resolve itself in several days but i would suggest going to a doctor or patient first to see what they recommend (usually not walking on it for a few days does the trick)

Some Republicans equate Ignorance and Inexperience as refreshing, do you think the Ryan Budget is refreshing?

Ex Witch and Republican candidate, Christine O'Donnell was described as refreshing as were many other Tea Bagger candidates. Refreshing is how Republicans described her inexperience and basic lack of knowledge on nearly every subject.. Do you consider the Radical Ryan Budget to be refreshing?

Why are there so many Right Wing Conspiracy Theorists?

How about the truthers formed by Hillary Clinton when she was running against Obama that was started by the left like Rosey O'Donnelll and the other liberal cooks. Who is to say they are right wing there are independents and liberals that asked those questions as well!!!

Why are so many young men choosing to remain bachelor's and seem bitter at women and even mock men who marry?

I am a 35 year old Professional male attorney.I am happy in life,love my job and fiancee. I am getting married in December. It seems that a lot of my friends from college and at work who range in age from 25-45 are refusing to get married and seem bitter at women. On fellow coworker who is an Attorney as well stated to me that if I get divorced I will lose half my money and custody of children(I want kids). Many of my friends, who are considered handsome guys with money have absolutely stated they will not marry wahtsoever and some have given up on women completely. My friend who I will call "Jeff" is advising me not to get married that most marriages end in divorce.Jeff has been hurt by women in the past(His last girlfriend of 5 yrs left him for another guy).Jeff claims he was a "nice guy" and his ex girlfriend left him for a "jerk" who treat her badly.I told Jeff that not all women are like that and a good marriage can be a beautiful thing.It seems like these guys just want to remain bachelors and some of them I think really hate women cause they have been hurt. I feel like as a man getting married a target of ridicule by other men.I rarely bring my fiancee around these guys inasmuch as she feels a hostility from them. It really doesn't matter what these men think of me and I am not sure I even want to be friends with them anymore. My only concern is the future for my kids(I do want kids). If too many men are bitter and choose to remain unmarried, there will be a drastic population shift in declining childbirth rates.Plus,if I am blessed to have a healthy child who is a female she will have little available men to date in the future which is a damn shame. There are a lot of good women out there who would love to marry(My fiancee's best friend is dating a guy for 5 yrs and he has not even proposed to her) My friend "Jeff" .is even involved in a movement called "men going their own way"(MGTOW) part of this so called Mens Rights movement (similar to feminism for women. I went on the website "Happy Bachelors" and it appeared to me just a bunch of successful bachelor men who are bitter at women, and actually encouraging men to "Boycott Marriage".There was one gentlemen on one male blog who actually allegedly said he "he has now become homosexual" because of his hurt in the past by women. This is absolutely ridiculous and a damn shame for my future daughter(if I have a girl) and many young nice pretty unmarried woman looking for husbands.There will be a severe shortage of eligible men from what I sadly see amongst many men today

Why do t-baggers from the Midwest dance to country music and have funny shaped foreheads?

If it's Kansas, Missouri, no big deal. You know, that's the dance of the low-sloping foreheads. The middle places, right?

Can I get a job at 14?

Okay, so I turned 14 a while back, and my grandparents figured I should try and find a job. It'd be nice to not have to worry about bills and such, but still make money for things that I WANT to pay for. So I need to know if, in Kansas City, Missouri (or KC Kansas if the Labor laws are different) you can get a simple, but official, job, such as a grocery store bagger. Thanks in advance!

Job interview weakness?

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What does it mean when a guy is standing in the same position as you?

i was in the grocery store and there is this cashier i like and i'm not sure but i think he might like me. well i was just leaning on the counter where the bagger bags things and i was kinda leaning in a weird position but it was comfortable, with both my hands out and positioned a certain way. well then i look out of the corner of my eye and he looks at me for a second, then looks over somewhere else, and then a couple seconds later he leans on the counter EXACTLY the way i am leaning! hands in the same exact position, leaning in the same direction, everything. what does this mean, if anything at all?

Atheists: Why are Christians so nice?

I know what you're going to say. "They can be some of the most hateful people ever!", I realize that. Just like you have axe murderer Atheist, you have the Atheist that donates thousands to charity. But it seems like, especially the youth, are SO damn nice. I went to a youth thing at a church I go to, and they are insanely nice to me, much more than non-Christian teens. And I don't understand there ecstatic kindness and optimism. Sure, they've been sold lies, potentially dangerous and immoral lies. But I felt at home with them; is that their deluded means of luring you in, or is there something there?

I am a censtrlist atheist. Tea baggers why should i vote for you?

I am a centralist. Why Should I vote for your movement? You people seem way to pro christian and anti atheist. You to teach prayer in school. its ashamed because the republican had it right with forgen policy but you people are just too religious. As far as i see it there are two choices. Let the mulsims win or let the nut bag jesus take over and illegaize anything fun.

Help with safeway online application process?

Hello,I filled out an application today online for a bagger,cart pusher and stocker.They say they need someone desperately but if they need someone that bad wouldn't they have called me? And I remeber someone said you have to call them?Is that true you have to call them?Thanks!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can we let Michael Jackson rest?

Jesus freakin Christ I am so tired of hearing about this man! Ok, to all the krazy killer mj fans... No disrespect to him, Yes he is "God" of the music industry, The Great Bambino, The Colossus of Clout!! But Gott damn son of a ***** his logo, brand & music is getting some what tiring (not old classics never die understand the difference) Its seems like ppl worship this guy like an idol....kinda scary!!

Finding a Lawn Bagger in Yuba City?

I have a riding lawn mower and no one seems to sell the baggers for any riding lawn mower anywhere in yuba city, CA. Anyone know where i can get one?

What do you think of these names?and mn suggestions?

I really like Ava Katherine and Bella Jordann :) Cambree Anne isn't my style. I think Bella Annelise would also be beautiful and you have Anne in there.

What's the name of that song soulja boy posted on youtube that was very very different from his usual sound?

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My Friend is addicted to World of Warcraft What do I Do?

Hi, my 14 year old friend has recently taken up playing WoW (World of Warcraft) an online role playing game. I know about this game as i have had bad personal experiences with it before. I lost my old best friend to this game and I have seen it split apart families. I accepted the fact that he played it but made him swear on his life that he would not get addicted. Well today i asked him if he would like to hang out after school and guess what he said? "Nah" so i asked Aww why not? Presuming that he had work and he said "umm i wanna play WoW." This shattered me. Again this god damn game is ruining my social life and i need any advice I can get. No stupid answers like get new friends please because i'm not like that and we are both a part of a group that i am not leaving as i have other good friends in it. Any suggestions will be appreciated, thanks.

Isn't slavery illegal? AND since i'm so mature does it mean I'm an old soul or something?

I mean if slaverly is illegal than why do some jackassed adults seem to think parents own us? I mean if they own us until we're 18 and we're supposedly not in the state of mind to think for ourselves than isnt that sorta like slavery in its own way? I mean I'm only 12 and I've been abused verbally and physically but I'm also pretty damn popular and smart and I'm way more mature than any of the 14 or 13 year olds in our school. What in the world is THAT supposed to mean? Am I an old soul or am I just too awesome to be dumb? Haha not to sound like a smart *** but I really am wondering what ya'll think about it.

Tea Baggers & Birthers: Do you STILL question Obama's loyalty and nationality?

Considering that his "birth certificate" was debunked within 30 minutes of it being posted on the white house web site I have even more doubt now then I did before.

Sooo...matches arent allowed in checked baggage?

I just realized that I have matches in my checked luggage. I have this little owl carrying case thing that I packed and the matches have been in there for months and it just hit me that I never took them out! I've been trying to find out what happens if you bring something that's not permitted iin checked luggage. I don't want to lose my DKNY shoes! I'm sure no one will catch that reference...okay in all seriousness why are matches not permitted? What if my luggage somehow catches on fire :O supposedly that's happened. My flight leaves at 10:51. Is this really a big deal? Should I go hunt down the baggage handlers? I don't even know if they're strike anywhere matches or safety ugh I don't even smoke, I just thought the match pack thing was cute so I stuffed in my damn owl bag!! Also, theyre like the mini pack of matches that you get from a restuarant. Help.

Will Republicans continue to support Tea Party even if it is making them look as some have said, a bit crazy?

With the Tea Baggers numbers diving, especially after the Paul Ryan budget which some label a "Republican Nightmare", will Republicans follow the Tea Party like lemming's off a cliff?

I'm 14 years old and need a job now?

i dont want no petty job no mowin the lawn or nothin of that sort a real job. so i dont wanna to hear it to put it straight. i've been on many websites sayin that u have to be 16 years old or higher. even a job as a bagger which is ridiculous. i know i need a workers permit but whats the point in havin a permit when i cant even find a !@#$% job. this is getting real annoying i spent about 2 months lookin on the internet and its a waste of time. i live in virginia beach. what job could i possibly get a some store restuarant or somthing. a link where i can apply online or something plz i have no intention of going around and askin people because my mother wont do that jus to ask people. i dont care for ur personal feeling or thoughts on the matter so jus back that off i need things i can do results plz.

Any NBA stories like Kurt Warner's?

Kurt Warner came into the NFL at a late age, with little college experience. His story is particularly great because he didn't really have the credentials, as he was a grocery-bagger. Any stories like Warner's except in the NBA? just curious

Why do women generally suck at playing rock n roll instruments?

Just look at how society tells kids they are supposed to be. Little girls are suppose to be pretty and dainty so they choose instruments to express themselves in that way. Little boys are suppose to be rough and tough so they choose instuments that seem that way.

Which wrestlers are you gay for?

I'm gay for John Cena, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Triple H, Undertaker and The Miz because they are damn sexy!

GIRLS NAMES: Help with name list?

Kourtney (not Courtney) - My name is Kourtney Danyelle. Other names I rly like from ur list: Quinn... Jenna.... Lauren... Julieanna... Katelyn (not Katherine). The reasons I picked these names are because they are traditional but not over-used. They are elegant names but not 2 prissy. Of course I picked Kourtney because thats my name n I love it. Katelyn I like best which I now regret not naming my sister Katelyn... I named her Katie Nicole. I have always liked the name Jenna but never could get anyone 2 like it with me lol. I love the name Jetta also but its not on ur name list.

Why are so many Tea Baggers in the House of Reps living off of Tax Payers money on Welfare Subsidies?

What is really funny about it is when I see one side or the other pointing out hypocrisy of the other and ignoring their own side's hypocrisy. I am sure the dirty politicians just love the "my team" thought of the little people.

What "filler" middle names are you likely to use?

My middle name is Elizabeth which is a "filler" middle name, my moms middle name is Louise which is another "filler" middle name. My sisters middle name is Nicole and as you can probably guess thats a "filler" middle name as well. My grandmas middle is is Jane and thats one also. So as you can see its quite a popular thing to do to just use filler middle names in my family. We also have a couple Lynns, Lees, Ruths and Paiges. I plan on using Mae, Rae and Kate for middle names if I have three girls. I love these names and although they are deemed "filler" middle names, I cant help but to use them. They are just to cute. :)

Do Tea Baggers admire the John Birch Society or the Neocons more?

tea baggers are funded by and cogs for the zionist agenda of greed of wall street , corporations , and the bankers .

Why did Republican Governor Veto a Republican "Birther Bill"? Is Tea Party mad at her?

A bill passed by Arizona's Tea Party Republicans that would make a candiate show some other form of document like a "cirmcucision form" or Baptism to be able to run, was vetoed. Why did Brewer disagree with the bill? Why did she go against her Tea Bagger movement and Birther followers?

POLL FOR TWITTERERS: What was your very first tweet ?

I too have a Twitter account but haven't a clue what to 'tweet' lol. I've had it for a few months now and still haven't come up with anything to impress fellow Twitters. ;((

Where did you go, my lovely?

You know that song, where did you go? by No Mercy. I was watching this music video on youtube, and I realized something. No one has ever looked for her. I mean sure we are all dancing to the sweet jam, but damn it people there is a girl missing. Doesn't this bother anyone?

Ladies: How to get a hard-to-get girl?

Typical romance novel. HAHA. But you should just try to be sweet and patient. Say hi to her, become her friend first and when she's comfortable with you, then BAM. Pull out the big guns. Give her flowers, be extra sweet. This might take a while since she might have had trauma or something from people who broke her heart. Make sure you are ready first before committing :-bd Good luck.

Do you think the Tea Baggers, KKK, Neo-Nazis, Skin Heads, Birthers will ever take a liking to president Obama?

NO. Do you think liberal, hand-wringing, gay loving, metrosexuals will ever take a liking to George Bush or admit that his tough policies are STILL working?

Please help with my top baby names..?

My favs are Evan Micah (personally I'd choose Micah as the first name) and Avery Vanessa(Avery for a girl is beautiful) Good Luck

Should I try to reconnect with my family and invite them to my biracial wedding?

It's your call. I personally would because this truly is a special moment. What if you make up and the only thing holding back a relationship between you and your parents is the fact that you didn't invite them. It's not a moment that can be recreated. However, I would make it understood that you won't be standing for any "funny" business at the wedding. This is a formal and respectable event.


Yes I am. Mostly because I am so tired of taking care of the lazy and illegals with my hard earned tax $$$.

How can i deal with this? Its driving me crazy!?

Nothing you can do. But heres a plan. Be her friend and a good one. Show her that your a nice guy, so if something happens you can get her. Somewould say this is a ticket to the friend zone but not really if you know what your doing. IT would work better than just coming out of nowhere and trying to get with her. This seems to be the only way. Good luck man

Had my first day of work yesterday, feeling disappointed?

Well, I'm a bagger/go backer. I thought this job would be easy as pie, but it was so hard. This is my first job and the first 'real' work I've ever done. I worked for six hours yesterday and now I have aches all over. I never got any training on what to bag or how to bag. I found it hard to put all the heavy stuff on the bottom to put the fragile stuff on the top, because all of the fragile stuff was being put first and I don't have enough room to sort it all out or even enough time. I'm so mad at myself and I complained all day yesterday. Please if there are any baggers out there, did you have a hard time too? ://///

Donald Trumps Birth Certificate Issue ?

Why is a character assassination attempt by the tea-baggers not what the country needs nor is it presidential ?

Is it alright to see your sister in a kind of sexual way?

A lot of my mates have this problem and I'm wonder should they? I mean I anit got this problem my sister shes a dog. Shes got nice **** and her body's okay but her face is real brown bagger.

I love only blonde women do you think i am racist.?

No, it's just what you like. I: could have a perfect 10 blonde woman, and I'd drop her for a 6-10 hispanic woman. Everyone has their preference

Saturday, July 16, 2011

When they invented the word Con Job, were they looking at the Paul Ryan Tea Party Budget?

nope. i love paul's budget plan. once again most teabaggers are dems and that's a fact. p. s.....thanks for unblocking me. you have my respect back

Why do white guys try so hard to be down?

Its this white guy I work with well it seems like he likes me. Well anyway he's a bagger and Im a cashier. A customer came through my line and he gone say damn thats my favorite drink. I love me some grape kool-aid. I almost laughed my @ss off at him. I mean it was funny as hell. Why is he trying so hard? I mean I would like him if he just was himself. I don't even like kool-aid at all never have.

1984 FLH noisy valve train issue?

If it's tapping when it gets hot that's usually a loose push rod.I imagine your book has the procedure for a dry lifter adjustment(no oil in the tappets)?Wet adjustment uses the same procedure for putting the engine a TDC on the compression stroke.Then loosen the push rod til it has plenty of shake.Then lengthen it til it has no shake.At this point i mark the push rod and a flat on the adjustment screw with a sharpie pen.Then lengthen the push rod 4 full turns.Then using your third arm,lol,tighten the jam nut while holding the push rod and adjuster screw with 2 the other push rod the same way.Then wait til you can turn both push rods with your fingers(this is important!).That way you know they have bled down.Then rotate the engine and do the other cylinder.Wait til they bleed down too before you turn the engine again.If your used to doing solids you'll have no trouble.Just be sure it's exactly 4 turns and be sure the engine is stone cold when you adjust themEdit i forgot to mention... you ask about heeling and toeing the cam.That isn't needed.Just roll it over til the lifters at at their lowest point(heel of the cam).

Please rate and comment my favorite girl names :)?

I LOVE Meredith Rose, Katherine Rose, Mckenzie grace, Daniella Rose. I like Paige Elizabeth too, but I kinda like it switched better... Elizabeth Paige :) Hope this helps!

Good fantasy/sci fi novels?

So I'm looking for some new stuff to read. I like brother reads a lot of fantasy like katherine miller and wow books and stuff and it looks really cool. I am a girl so I like a tad bit of romance, but it's okay if it doesn't have any..any suggestions!?

Girl is choosing between me and another guy help?

this girl i like is choosing between me and another guy she cares about me and says she wants to see what develops between us more bc she just doesnt know but she also wants to see what develops with him we all work together she is a cashier im a bagger/cashier/self checkout attendant and he is a bagger we both went to each others proms and she doesnt talk with him much bc he wont text her back bc he is scared of me her mom already loves and doesnt really knnow him she says she just needs some time but i dont know how long to wait for help im so confused

Tea Baggers are holding up disaster relief for Tornado victims, do you find this morally right or wrong?

They are saying that we must make cuts in other programs to give disaster aid. This of course is not true, we could just allocate it as we always have in emergency funding. If Republicans want to fight on this, do you think they will lose not just the battle but their seats??

Alpha's, Beta's and Gamma's?

I think the age group is really off for this type of story, but Holly is the closest. Anyone with "greasy" hair isn't alpha material. Alphas maintain their looks and physical attractiveness is very important for that. They don't have "yellow teeth" or wear "saggy clothes" like Katharine. And they don't have "spotty face" and "overcramped wonky teeth". Girls that end up with lots of girls flocking to them become the alpha and girls flock to a confident leader (which is what Holly lacks) who is seemingly "perfect". None of them strike me as an "alpha", but Holly seems best but she needs more confidence because that's what makes a leader. Girls flock to the girl who knows what she's doing (or at least acts like it).

Help, I think I hurt my leg running?

I kinda over did it..i started running 5 miles to start right off the top...and i did not stretch a my leg hurts....i can't walk right...i really REALLY miss running ...but my damn leg..its the upper part of my leg that hurts...the pain goes and comes...i haven't ran for 4 days...i REALLY miss it..i have kinda active shadow boxing here and there ...but for the most part nothing...and yet it still hurts...what can i do...what should i do.

American Tea Party fought for the people, Michelle Bachmann's Tea Party side with Mubarack not the people, why?

Michelle Bachmann is still out telling her Tea Baggers that Obama pulled the rug out from Mubarack and how we should have stood by him as he was our best friend and buddy in the area. Apparently the will of the people meant little to her? Our American Tea Party more than 200 years ago was a party out for the people, is today's Tea Party against them?

No closure? What to do?

I dated his girl in the summer. We hit it off really well and loved the same stuff. We was falling really fast and I wanted to take things slow since we just met. When summer ended, it was back to work for me and college and work for her, so we wasn't around each other that much. I love her so much but I need to take care of my priorities.. She was overly-possessive, when I miss a phone call she'll be mad. I had alot on my plate and I just needed a little space or break. � Overtime, the relationship became a co-dependent one, we became obsessive over each other and it was becoming very unhealthy. My friends were concern and every time I talk to her about this, she'll get very upset and think I'm playing games with her heart. I wasn't even trying to and I didn't wanna lose her so I gave in.. Things only got worst and I was slacking off big time! It was hard because she just wouldn't understand and get angry easily. She got mad and told me to get lost which I did. I got my life back in order and balanced everything. She came back apologizing and saying she wants to try again. So we start off and things were going great until she cheated and dumped me unexpectedly while i eas sick. Ran off acted like I didn't exist or wouldn't talk to me. Why would she do this just to hurt me? Anyways, I began to accept this and move on until she came back saying she miss talking to me and let's be friends. Trying to act like she did nothing wrong and waited too damn long to talk about this. I was about to give in to her but I was just too hurt so I ignored her. I just wanted to know why she did it and she tried to swept it under the rug.So now she's acting like I never existed, talking behind my back, sometimes i feel like she stalk my profile and might be dating this new girl. I'm started to see someone to, but I'm kinda angry that she's acting this way and won't tell me why she did it. I just want closure but I can't.. She just acting like se did bogong wrong and turning the tables on me for no reason. I want to forget about her

Is denying water to employees at work illegal?

I work at a supermarket and they have recently re-instated a rule that says baggers/carriage people can't have water while they are working. i personally have a problem because these baggers have one hour shifts outside helping customers with their bags and retrieving carriages. on top of that the Company just changed our uniforms, they now have to wear BLACK shirts under heavy red aprons under a security vest (relatively lightweight ones). the new rule states that they can only have water when on break, however shouldn't they be allowed water when they're outside, seeing that we're hitting our summer months and it's already hot. just curious about this.

Is this ticket worth fighting?

I turned onto a street with residential permit parking. A worker from the parking authority saw me make this turn and saw that I had stopped. As I'm waiting for a friend, she starts making her way to my car where she then hands me a ticket. I asked her why she gave me the ticket and she replied, "I already wrote the ticket and didn't know you where in there"! Is this unethical? Do I just pay the damn ticket?

Can you provide advice on troubleshooting lawn mower problem?

My son's lawn mower runs fairly well, but cut grass no longer goes in the bagger; even dry grass just kind of clumps and is left behind. Any takers? We changed the oil, spark plug, blade, emptied the bag.

I need a "white girl" name for a novel?

Well according to google, here's the top 20 whitest and blackest names, haha: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Why do most elected Tea Baggers live off the Public Dole? I thought they hated Welfare?

Turns out 15 members of the House Republican Tea Baggers took money from the Tax Payers with Public Farm Welfare programs. Some members took hundreds of thousands. The amounts received since 1995 range from nearly $180,000 (Indiana Rep. Marlin Stuzman) to over $3 million (Reps. Stephen Fincher of Tennessee and Kristi Noem of South Dakota).

My younger sister wants to become a porn star?

My younger sister Katherine who is 15 told me she wants to be a porn star. I was shocked and baffled by her aspirations. She told me she thinks it's so cool to get paid for having sex. She told me she thinks it's hot that all these guys watch you having sex. I had no idea what to say. I would had to see my sister with some potential throw he life away in such a sleazy business. What should i do?

I have proof that the tea baggers are emotionally unstable. Will you listen?

First off it's Govern us not Governor us and Second---why don't you go to a Tea Party yourself instead of listening to the A.P(Associated Pravda), and the liberal media lie to you about them. If you did, you'd realize the Tea Party is a group of people that just want to save their country from Progressivism, and a one world order(global economy) where America loses it's sovereignty to other countries, and you lose your freedom-----if that means anything to you! This country has been great for 235 years, do you really want to be a pawn for a group of socialists that want to hollow out your country, and leave a shell like they have with so many other countries. If you can still find an actual history book from the American Revolution that hasn't been tampered with---read about the first Tea Party---it's pretty much spot on what the second one is all about-----FREEDOM!--Good Luck

How can i not be lame ? Please I hate myself I need to change help meHow can i not be lame ? Please I hate mys?

Okay so i just turned 14. And my life has been getting better. But ive always been lame. People have hated me since the 4th grade and im going to 8th. They always call me lame. I like anime and manga, Wrestling, and rock music. Everyone here calls the music i like white people music (esappaly the screamo) plus im black so its weird. I have people tell me all the time im lame (yesterday for example) people call me every damn name in the book. Punk, nerd (im really smart, but suck at math so people get angry at me), geek, stupid, stanky, musty, horny everything. Girls try to kick me in the balls and some do it and it feels like they've crushed them (there okay) i wanna be Scene but my mom wont let me even look like it. But i still wanna act like it. Everyone (incudeing my family) says i dont pay attation and im to hyper. I dont have ADD or ADHD. Help me change I hate myself just help me please !!!! I hate who i am just help me please :(Okay so i just turned 14. And my life has been getting better. But ive always been lame. People have hated me since the 4th grade and im going to 8th. They always call me lame. I like anime and manga, Wrestling, and rock music. Everyone here calls the music i like white people music (esappaly the screamo) plus im black so its weird. I have people tell me all the time im lame (yesterday for example) people call me every damn name in the book. Punk, nerd (im really smart, but suck at math so people get angry at me), geek, stupid, stanky, musty, horny everything. Girls try to kick me in the balls and some do it and it feels like they've crushed them (there okay) i wanna be Scene but my mom wont let me even look like it. But i still wanna act like it. Everyone (incudeing my family) says i dont pay attation and im to hyper. I dont have ADD or ADHD. Help me change I hate myself just help me please !!!! I hate who i am just help me please :(

Damn earwigs everywhere...?

My house has recently became inhabited with earwigs, they are in no particular one place either. The ceiling, kitchen floor, bathroom, sink, my bedspread... I don't even know how to go about dealing with them. I would love them gone tho... Help?

Other ways to catch the elephant hiding in my house?

i tried a sticky peanutbutter/molasses trap but the damn thing escaped. whats another good way to trap the elephant hiding in my house?

Whats with the anger..?

Umm... What was ur question? Go let out ur anger. Itll make u feel better. Bottling it up will make u go NUTS. I mean did u read what u wrote? Go rip someones head off if u have to.

How much does it cost to replace a battery and get a new frame for a computer?

Okay, I've had this computer for around 2 years, the frame {you know, the stuff around the screen and keyboard} is damn near destroyed, and the battery is so bad it can only hold a 15 minute charge. I use a Dell Windows 7 computer, it was around 1,000 dollars. In all seriousness, how much would it cost to replace these things? 100$? 500$? Or can you not replace them? Also, I wouldn't mind also knowing how much it costs to replace a screen, because the screen also has water damage...

How can i get over a bad first impression of someone?

I guess give him a chance out of work, that is what the synopses says to me. Also I would get to know him more before having sex, people/him might think you are easy/slut

Hispanic people what would you do if this happened to you?

So my five friends and I were walking into burger king. This guy behind us loudly said "why are there so many damn Mexicans? Is there a sale on bean burritos or something?" we quickly turned around and looked at him and he looked scared once he saw my guy friends who are 6'4" and who are soccer players. We left the place before someone caused a scene. Btw none of us are mexican we're salvadorean, not that I have anything against Mexicans. What would you have done in this situation.

Do Tea Party people object to being referred to as "Tea Baggers" because they see this term as politically?

INCORRECT? I thought they hated political correctness. Now they say they're for it? What word does the KOCH BROS prefer we use to call his patriots?

How much would you ask for a....?

Have a 1989 John Deere 20in lawnmower in great condition. It is not self propelled and does not come with a bagger. What would be a good asking price?

A question if im gay?

It's up to you. I can't tell you whether your gay or not, that's something YOU have to decide. Try not to "label" yourself though, just do whatever feels right.

Friday, July 15, 2011

What body shape am i? pic?

Putting it nicely, you have "love handles", & need to lose like 10-12 lbs. After you do that, then you could be considered "pear-shaped". Definitely not an "hourglass" though because your boobs aren't big enough.

TEENS: Do you like my triplet's names?

Well i think thats too many "kinda hard names to pronnounce" and kinda long but at the end of the day there your children so its up to you not what people says

I'm worried my sister is going to die?

My younger sister Katherine who is only 15 is on a destructive path and I'm very scared about what could happen. First off all she got pregnant and had a miscarriage and she keeps taking anti depressant pills and overdosed last month and almost died. My older sister Alexandria caught her popping more pills. Alex is a recovering addict but has been clean for 5 years. She tried to have an intervention but it didn't work she told me her baby dies so she wants to die. What should myself and my family die?

Watching the republican president candidate debate...?

Why aren't these losers answering any of the questions? A mainstream republican just asked how will these GOP candidates keep a balance between the Tea Party extremists and moderate republicans and instead of answering the question, their just defending the Tea party when it is obvious from this man's question that center right republicans don't approve of the far right politics of Tea baggers. Bachman is looking like a robot chanting Obama will lose, I don't know what the hell Gingrich and Santorum are doing, Paul is the only one close to making sense. Is this suppose to be what "takes back America" from Obama. If it is, hello second term.


im a grad from collage for being a teacher and my husband is a welder and we have our house paid for we have money in the bank and we are ready to become parents but for some reason every time he cums in me it always comes out even if im laying down elevated or even when my feet are in the air. And not to mention the fact that i havent gotten my damn period since 09' i have gone to the doc and they told me that there is nothing wrong with me. I dont wanna go waste money for no reason when there is an easy explanation on why i havent gotten my period. Without me having my period i cant get preganant so ladies please help me understand why.... If, this is happening to you please let me know, even if your solution was going to the doctor. I just wanna know what you told him and what he perscribed you. Im thinking its one of my hormones that isnt developed right and thats why im not getting them... all my life i have been irregular even as a little girl, how can i get my period back even if its not a normal cycle i just want to ovulate... or another way of letting my egg go.... someone help me please

Can a 14 year old girl work in a grocery store in CA?

my friends 15 and needs a workers permit from his school so he could work at stater bros in indio california but they wouldnt accept him at 14 sorry bout that

Senior citizens, this is it for the night?

I don't think there's much in the U.S. that we don't think normal talk. If you visited, you'd probably say, "What's THAT mean" but we would think of it as perfectly normal.

Is "damn" a bad word?

Well I am a HUGE! Selena Gomez fan and in one of her new songs it says right befire the chorus "But your to damn scared to fly" is that bad? She didnt write the song so i know she would not of wrote a lyric like that and i dont wanna get in trouble singing along with it so Please answer!

My cousin gave me the silent treatment for almost a year?

Hello I need answers. Last summer 2010 my cousin was supose to come to my house after my birthday but at the last minute she desided to let me down and she desided to go see a concert she tried to call me back to tell me she would come but I hung up on her I said no go see the damn concert...I was hurt and angry but now I'm more hurt cuz my cousin gave me the silent treatment next week it will be a year we have stop talking and we were close. During the holidays 2010 I saw her but we didnt talk or look at eachother it was cold . Its still cold. There is a wedding in july my other cousin is getting maried...and she will be there it will be awkward to talk to her again since its been a year . I dont have the courage to go up to her and say sorry. I'm still hurt cuz she gave me the silent treatment . I know I will see her at the wedding but once I do I dont know what to say to her I'm so stressed out these days cuz of that and my parents knows that I dont want to go cuz of the situation. I'm still not going should I go and make amends with my cousin. She is very important to me it feels i've lost a piece of me...I cry a lot cuz I regret and I still think I dont deserve to be forgiven...

So, whats your favorite portal 2 quote?

Mine would have to be when your hearing all the pre-recorded messages from cave, and he's like "the lab boys tell me i should stop talking about the control group and shouldn't make any more pre-recorded messages, which gave me an idea, make more pre-recorded messages! I pay the bills here, i can talk about the control group all damn day!" or something along those lines.

What body shape am i? pic?

Putting it nicely, you have "love handles", & need to lose like 10-12 lbs. After you do that, then you could be considered "pear-shaped". Definitely not an "hourglass" though because your boobs aren't big enough.

Moving to North Miami Beach?

How is moving to North Miami beach for a single mom and a teenage boy. How is the high school and opportunity? I'm at the top of my class now and don't want to go to a crappy school. Is it cheap, considering we have a low income? Is it ghetto and dangerous? Are there any areas you can recommend? We've considered Homestead, Kendall, Coral Gables, and sort of Aventura, but Coral Gables is a bit expensive. I think buying would be best since we'd be selling our house, and we could buy a foreclosed house; does this seem like a good idea, or would renting be better? I don't want to make a mistake and sorry for asking so many questions. Thanks. Oh and how are the job opportunities for my mom? And could I work as a bagger or something on weekends at age 14?

Having problems at work?

I work at the front end of a grocery store as a bagger. According to all the supervisors and managers, I am one of the best they have. Four supervisors had to write a letter of recognition for one employee. All four chose me out of about forty others. So I must be doing something right, Right? Unfortunately, they will not put me on the cash register full time despite the fact I am one of the fastest. I asked them but they said I was the best bagger/cart pusher they had. It upsets me that someone who was there one day longer than me is already a supervisor and several others have moved up to cashier as well. I hate pushing carts all night long and they know this. One of the things all the letters say is how I never complain; however, everyone who complains seems to get what they want. I have a feeling I will never move up, get a raise, or an increase in hours (avg. 28 per week). How can I fix these problems? Also how and when can you switch departments?

Why do people even get married?

People get married, live their life according to their spouse, have kids, have kids drama, divorce and than do it all over again. Why? Just live your damn life! Instead of getting married, buy a boat for example. Party in the boat whenever you want, date whoever you want and don't have anyone telling you what to do like he/she is your parent or something.

Baby Name Help? (Boys & Girls)?

Colten James Braden Daniel Jaden Cole for girls, i like Hayden Nicole or Jaylen Casey

My topp baby names? opinions ?

Hiya, Xavier def my favorite boys name its what I desperatly wanted for my baby but it turned out to be a pink baby and was named Erin can also be spelt eiriin and means Ireland as in the country, love the name ava as a first name to but Xavier is my favorite by far and xavia for the feminine form.

How did i lose weight!? help please?

this happens to me alot and im very perplexed. i havent been to the gym in about a week, i have been laying on my couch all day/night watching tv, eating candy and other not so healthy foods. the only physical activity i have had is standing 4 hours for two days at work.(im a bagger at a grocery store and i push baskets and stuff but thats little work). so today i went to the gym and i stepped on the scale and somehow i have lost 4 pounds. how does this work!? i don't think i lost muscle because it doesn't go away after in a week. im 17 year old male and i (now) weight 160 lb.

Why are so many Tea Baggers in the House of Reps living off of Tax Payers money on Welfare Subsidies?

Yes, I read about the Tea Baggers taking our Tax dollars and then crying were broke....******* hypocrites!

Do you think glen beck will become a tea-bagger leader now?

that he was fired/dismissed for the advertisers not putting their products with him on the show? I know many who thin k he speaks the gospel and eat in every word lies and all.?Wonder if O'reilly will be the next to go?

Are Tea Baggers and Birthers Helping or Hurting the Republican Party?

You know there are different sects to any political party. You mention the TEA and the "birthers". The same could be said for the Democrats like the Progressives (Socialists), Congressional Black Caucus (racists), Environmentalists (Crazy), etc. I don't think either hurts the party but I do believe the TEA helps the party because they want to reduce the size of Government, cut taxes, get back to a less intrusive Government and pull the Constitution out of the trash can where the liberals have thrown it.

Answer this questio when u not an C*NT! I F*CKING HATE THE DAMN DIRTY INDIANS! are u too?

answer this question when u not an C*NT! I F*CKING HATE THE DAMN DIRTY INDIANS! cuz those punka$$es over f*cking exploded! Are u agree with that? And don't try to give me the sh!t. When u an indian C*NT! OK!! DIRTY F*CKING N00B INDIANS!! don't **** with me!! or i'm gonna cut your f*cking NUTS off and i'm gonna shove it up your momas A$$!!

Eliminate ALL but your FAVORITE : )?

katherine alaina is my favorite. i actually like addison and khloe more as first names but with the middle names i don't like the combo.

How low does the cultural lowest common denominator have to go before we're all screwed for good?

"Fear Factor," "The Biggest Loser," Chuck, "Omar and Whatsitsname in Guantanomo Bay," Twitter and "Twitterature," videogames like "Columbine Superkill," Obamomania, Obama's Khmer Rouge-esque war on education, Sarah Palin, Tea Baggers, laws authorizing college students to shoot teachers for teaching evolution-how long before we're all belligerent infants sh**ting ourselves and blasting M-16s indiscriminately.

Baby names help again?

ryne , ava, tasha, tatiana, tamer, zach, Lawrence, Alex, Ryne, ryan, mark, joey those are my opinions of good names

Are Republican low poll numbers all over nation due to the Republican Sleaze Factor?

Sleaze you say ? a href="" rel="nofollow"

Ink coming out of my tattoo?

I'm 20 & I got my 1st tattoo yesterday. It's on my right back shoulder & I flippin love it so much. I'm so happy I did it. They told me to put Aquaphor healing ointment on it for 2 weeks & keep it out of the sun.I'm a bagger/cashier so I'll be in the sun a little getting carts. Plus I live in Florida. It's hotter than a ***** outside.. I was wondering if I should cover it with a bandaide? would that take the ink off?? cuz this morning when I was taking a shower I covered it with a bandaide when I took it off there was black ink. I don't know if it's from my tattoo or just the rest of the outline?

Why do people stare at what i'm wearing?

When i go out women/girl mostly won't look at my face they basically check out what i'm wearing. Why? I don't wear revealing clothes, yes I know I dress nice and they probably think my outfit is cute but damn they make me feel insecure like I ain't attractive; by starring at what i'm wearing.

How can I stop being so nervous at work?

Im 16 and this is my first job. I work at a grocery store as a bagger. Every time I go to work I get really nervous. I'm not exactly nervous about bagging, but I am nervous about not knowing what to do. After I punch in should I ask the supervisor where to go? cause that can be awkward. but most of the time there are no cash registers open for me to bag at. Therefore the manager has to tell one of the baggers already working to take a break. UGH. I don't know why I freak out so much about everything, but i am constantly nervous. Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do about work? or nerves in general? Thanks!

Hyper new dog, idiotic mother, dog training shows? Please read.?

Well when the dog starts to get hyper get chain and throw it on the ground near the dogs hind legs. This distracts the dog and gets it to pay attention to the chain and then forgets about being hyper. Reward her when she doesn't start acting hyper again. Hope this helps

Democrat Kathy Hochul Wins NY Special Election For House Seat, Tea Baggers got 8%, is this a referendum?

You bet it is! This is a loser for the GOP. For those who say "big surprise, a Dem win in NY", they are like hogs beating their heads against the wall of intelligence, since this district has voted conservatives into office for many years. Guess that goes "zip" right over their heads.

How old were you when you got your first period?

How old were you when you got your first period and what was it like? I probably have the most embarassing story! I am a sophmore in highschool and I got my first period when I was 11 in the 5th grade. I remember it was September of 5th grade and we were all sitting there quietly doing our work. My stomach started feeling weird and kind of painful. Suddenly I felt "down there" get really warm. I didn't think much of it but a few minutes later I looked down and saw blood all over the crotch part of my pants. I ran to the teacher and asked her if I could go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom I pulled down my pants and there was blood EVERYWHERE!! I got dizzy and I felt like I was going to throw up and my mind was going everywhere. I didn't have any pads or anything because I wasn't expecting it. I didn't want to go to the nurse or anything so I tied a jacket around my waist covering my blood soaked pants. I was devastated. When I got home I was to scared and embarrassed to tell my mom. I didn't tell her for 4 months until one day we were in the dressing room at the mall and I was on my period. I was trying on pants and I told her I didn't want to try them on and she made me. She saw the toilet paper stuffed in my underwear and said "Katherine, did you get your period?" And I said "um... maybe, I dont know.". It was soooo embarassing! She got me pads that day and I never told her I actually got my first period four months earlier.

Leave town and start a new life?

Throughout the past few months, I've realized that the tiny town I live in just isn't gonna cut it. I've recently graduated High School, and most of my best friends are moving elsewhere for college. I'd go but it seems the world just loves to f**k me over in every way it can so I can't pay. (Family won't help, and can't get financial aid) And on top of that, the "friends" I have have always come to me for advice and someone to talk to, and now whenever I try to talk to someone, they ignore me and start talking about their problems again. And as for my family, there's nobody that really gives a damn. So I personally feel that my time in this town is up. There's nothing left for me here. I'm thinking about continuing work till spring, and with the cash I have saved up, get on a bus or train, get far, far away from here and start a new life somewhere else. Just about everyone I'm sure has wanted a fresh start before. Any ideas, suggestions, or general words of wisdom?

Can you tell me if this paragraph sounds like it could be a real school setting?

It sounds like a very stereotypical school, however what would be easier for you is to describe the school that you previously attended or attend now. Then you will be guaranteed of authenticity.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

If teaching is such a great job, why do half of all teachers quit within five years?

they get sick of playing games and politics just to keep their jobs. What's so hard to understand? The people are changing this broken system as we speak in Wisconsin where PROSSER and the people of the state (not just the PUs) won. The PU workers also won, they now have choice and more control over the unions they support. The only losers are the Big Public Union Bosses who blew billions on their candidate's campaign and the proto-fascist progressive politicians who won't be getting as much campaign money from them next election cycle.

What should i wear?15 year old, applying for bagger at grocery store?

im short for my age but still slim. what should i wear to a job interview? please dont say something ugly, and would a white tee shirt and skinny jeans be ok? or a black skirt with a white shirt?

My ex is confusing me, what to do?

I broke up with my ex about a week ago. She hasn't contacted me since. But she added me as a friend on facebook, and now she takes the time to email me to say that my email account got hacked (You know, those ones where it sends out spam from your email address) I think I got it sorted, as I changed my password. But anyway, she doesn't contact me for all this time, then she says this. She told my best mate that she cheated on me, and then when I confronted her, she denied it altogether. I loved this girl so damn much. I tried everything to make it work. She was my world, and I had it threw back into my face. We were best friends for about five years in high school, and she liked me for about a year beforehand. She wants it back to the friendship stage, where we could be like we were then. It seems like a good idea from the start, but I don't see it working as she hurt me. What does anyone make of this? What is she trying to do? She told me herself that she wasn't ready for a commitment. Yet, she could have told me that before.

Kesha's future in music?

Ok I know 99% of the world doesn't like her because she's trashy, dirty, skany, untalented ... Whatever! For one second though let's be serious do you HONESTLY think she will become a music icon?She has broken records, her songs are on ALL THE DAMN TIME, she has hit after hit ( not lately cuz she is on tour), she has had more hits than lady gaga, her image is always something to talk about ( negative or positive), she is successful by doing all her own stuff. Look at brittney spears... She lip syncs, doesn't write her own stuff, she uses auto tune and she's a pop icon. Whats your opinion besides " she's a untalented slut so no"

The Hall of Fame and batters milestones ?

I recognize B as Al Kaline. I don't know who the other fella is. But here's the thing. The stats of players from different eras aren't the same. Maybe A is a steroid era guy. That being said, I detest the current system that requires that player curtsy to the writers to get in and the 'rule of thumb' notch marks have become mandatory for getting in. If a fella hits 493 homers, he doesn't get in. 12 more and he does. Not much sense, that.

Will Republicans get enough votes from rational members of House minus Tea Baggers to raise Debt Ceiling?

They'll vote to raise it. The Chamber of Commerce, one of their biggest donors, is lobbying hard on the issue. They will likely negotiate as long as they can before the Chamber tells them, OK, enough. Then they'll take whatever deal is on the table at that time, like they did with the budget. The Democrats shouldn't make the same mistake of putting a deal on the table that's essentially everything the Republicans asked for initially (though not as much as the Tea Party wanted).

Poll: Agree or Disagree......?

There are a lot of people who call you by your name, but there is only ONE PERSON who can make it sound so damn SPECIAL

I'm in crisis of believing in myself. What should I do?

If that nasty teacher of yours is causing problems, you should talk to someone about it. Like your parents, or your headteacher. He shouldn't be causing you to be afraid all the time.

What women want to talk online?

It's summer. I'm bored. And it's too early to go out to clubs so who wants to talk online? If you post ur e-mail I'll send you a message, I'm 20 y/o btw and pretty damn attractive.

Do you think it's right for my boss to do this?

She has a right to tell you to stop eating but considering you bought it with your own money, she no right to tell you to throw it away.

WDYT of my favorite girl names + BQ's ?

Robin, that's my name only Robyn. And Cora. I know a little girl named Cora and she is the absolute sweetest little girl!! I'm Robyn Elyse and she's Cora Jean :) I also like Ruby, Gabriella, Vivienne, Seraphina, Iris and Willow

Should I call them back?

Ok ,so I went in for an interview this morning and the hr manager started filling out the forms and then she asked me "when are you available" and I was like during the summer cause idk if my mom wants me working and doing school at the same time (BTW im in 10th grade).Then she packed up and said "there is no maybe,its going to take a week to train you,Im really busy and don't have time to do this interview unless you know for sure." Then she said something like wasting my time or something like that,I don't recall cause I was so pissed off. And then she said "call me back when you get a response from your mom". The problem is she didn't even talk about what hours I would be working while going to school? So as soon as I got home I called her and the lady was like "she's currently at the register,would you like to leave a message" And I was like yeah and left a message! And she never called me back? She was so desperate for baggers and then she doesn't even call me.What would you do? Call back or look for another place?This is the only place in town hiring at the moment.Thank you!

What are your five favorite names for a girl?

Charlotte Evelyn and Elise Caroline are my very favorites! Beautiful. I also really like Leah Paige (I like Caroline Paige better), and Olivia Michelle, mostly because I think Michelle is such a pretty middle name. I guess Evelyn Charlotte is pretty too, I love both names but Charlotte sounds better in front.

Unique Youth Group Room Paint Ideas--Suggestions?

I am the Vine and you are the branches..... incorporate the handprints onto the Vine. this way you can always keep adding more and more allowing for a very large continual Vine.... as we all know Christ reaches everyone, in every corner :)


Soo my guy hes always tellin me nd calling me sweet thingss...... But im not sure about these two.. 1 was " Damn Girl Your lips make me crazy" nd the 2 was " everytime we kiss I feel like im in heaven" :D! .... What is that supposed to mean.... P.s. I have kissed him... Like not a peck but a real kiss..

Would you feel left out if you had this name?

The names are good and maybe a little bit but she'll probably get over it and realize it's no big deal.

Does this make me a bad person? :(?

There is this girl that I am 99% sure likes me. And she doesn't hide the fact, she's a god damn stalker. And she's not even funny or anything, she's just so awkward around me, it's kind of creepy! Anyways, she will always start up the worst conversations with me to which I reply with usually one word in an extremely monotone voice just to push this point across "I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU. LEAVE ME ALONE." and then she just kind of retracts like a turtle into a shell. And... I know everyone should be treated nicely but c'mon, if a girl likes a guy then don't be a massive creeper to the point where you're staring at him for a solid 30 seconds from the front of the room when I'm in the back... And she's not even attractive! And whenever I completely blow her off it makes me happy that she leaves me alone. I mean if she asked me out I wouldn't hesitate saying no, and I wouldn't say it nicely either. I'm usually such a nice person! I don't know what it is about her that makes me HATE her! Does this make me a bad person? :O thanks!

Does anyone think African Americans need to come out of hiding in the shadows?

As a young Caucasian woman.. Who is not necessarily racist at all..well I believe black people have so many opportunities now and most still do not do a damn get off welfare chase your dreams go to school get a job...TRY harder. I feel like they still dont get it. They have excuses and I don't feel sorry for them anymore! I'm tired of trying to help people that do not appreciate it! It's time to move on and up people.. Y do they choose not to. Now I'm not speaking on behalf of every single black individual some are very good people but lots are getting caught up in the streets over stupid ish... When will they learn does anyone feel like I do? Explain please!!!

My cousin gave me the silent treatment for almost a year?

Hello I need answers. Last summer 2010 my cousin was supose to come to my house after my birthday but at the last minute she desided to let me down and she desided to go see a concert she tried to call me back to tell me she would come but I hung up on her I said no go see the damn concert...I was hurt and angry but now I'm more hurt cuz my cousin gave me the silent treatment next week it will be a year we have stop talking and we were close. During the holidays 2010 I saw her but we didnt talk or look at eachother it was cold . Its still cold. There is a wedding in july my other cousin is getting maried...and she will be there it will be awkward to talk to her again since its been a year . I dont have the courage to go up to her and say sorry. I'm still hurt cuz she gave me the silent treatment . I know I will see her at the wedding but once I do I dont know what to say to her I'm so stressed out these days cuz of that and my parents knows that I dont want to go cuz of the situation. I'm still not going should I go and make amends with my cousin. She is very important to me it feels i've lost a piece of me...I cry a lot cuz I regret and I still think I dont deserve to be forgiven...

Can a Katherine get away with Cassie?

Since most people just shorten whatever their name is as do most people who know then, i don't think it'd work. If you identify yourself as Cassie fom the start, then you could probably get people to catch on. My name is Bryauna (Bree-on-uh) I get called brianna all the time (bree-ann-uh) it may seem little but it drives me crazy. When i started high school i identified myself as Bree to my teachers and friends. Now most of my friends don't even know my real name! :P Hope i helped!

Does my school have a right to ask for my parents income tax returns?

I'm going to Kent State University. My EFC is above my 'financial need'. All that I expect to get is a parent PLUS loan. The school won't even tell me whether I have any scholarships or anything pending if I turn in my parents W-2s and tax returns. I don't think they have the right to ask for this stuff considering the circumstances. It's really none of their business what my parents spend their money on. Is there a way to find out whether I have anything pending? Also, are there any rights I have regarding privacy to not give them the tax returns? I tried emailing the financial aid counselor and they don't know a damn thing. Honestly they get salaries??!! BS!! They told me to use the online scholarship search tool which comes up with random **** like scholarships for people whose parents work for certain companies or who have financial need. They tried telling me that most of the scholarships were merit based. WOW they haven't even looked at the site before obviously.

Are you impressed with name callers?

People who feel the need to resort to third grade name calling and tactics,tend to lack the intelligence needed for true political discourse.

Rush saying thank god for obama?

is he seeing what the wing nuts won't admit that 2012 and the gop dancing with the stars pretenders don't have a chance to beat him? is the gop secretly just planning for 2016, if the tea-baggers haven't destroyed the party by then?first time i ever agreed with rush, but thank god for obama.

Can you be fired for calling in sick 4 times in over a year?

I have been working as a courtesy clerk (bagger) at a grocery store for about a year and 2 or 3 months now. Recently, I called in sick for the fourth time ever. My manager told me that I call in too much and that its "always on shifts where she really needs me". She told me if I didn't show up or get the shift covered, she would take me off the schedule permanently. I wasn't able to get the shift covered, and felt too ill to go to work that day. I feel this is unreasonable as I am never late, have never had consecutive sick days, and am generally a good employee. Some of my friends who work with me used to call in about once or twice a month, have had no call, no shows, and are frequently late, yet they still have thier jobs and were getting more hours than I was while working there. My main question is if this seems reasonable, and if not, what should I do about it?

Rate my top girl's names please?

I like Lucy & Phoebe-beautiful combos on those. Not as big a fan of Elle but it flows nicely with Maria.

Do you like these names for twins?

I like Katherine and Hallie. Not so much Ellyn and Claire. I don't like the name Ellen anyway, but the "y" really just makes it looks misspelled. >.>

With Seniors fleeing the Republican party, with the Tea Bagger Budget rolled out, how will this help Democrats?

AARP has reported that Seniors are calling with alarm and stating their unhappiness with the Tea Baggers budget. How can Democrats make the most of this gift from Paul Ryan?

Am I overreacting...?

Okay so theres this guy that I was never really friends with, we both kinda had beef actually. Recently we put that in the past and got closer than we ever were before. We actually kinda got feelings for each other but he ending up having to move for the summer. Anyway, he came back to visit and me and him hung out and things were really good. Me him and my friend were talking about dropping him off together tomorrow, but he went and told my friend "it should just be me and you because we're gonna be hanging out down there and I cant bring more than one person" Idk if he was just saying that to be nice or if he didnt want me to go... so now I'm kinda hurt and just like damn, wouldnt he want me to go? I'd want him to go... am I overreacting or do you think he really just couldnt bring more than one person...=/

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Should I try to reconnect with my family and invite them to my biracial wedding?

You should send them invites because that's the proper thing to do - they are still your family after all. The worst that could happen is they won't come. I would be very surprised if they chose to come just to make a scene and be rude, so i don't think you should worry about that.

Effective height enhancing supplements?

I don't think there is any. Not pill or liquid form. The only form you can get is a growth hormone from your doctor. You get it injected on your side by your buttock and you have a certain number of doses per month. And it'll help you gain height. But also, since you're getting more'll make you guy/girl crazy lol. Just a side effect.

Does an author have to be good at creating stories from the very beginning?

Not really. Everyone starts from scratch, a good author didn't become a good author overnight so don't worry about it that much. Just keep on reading books so that you can learn from their writing styles and produce yours, always write and brainstorm and you'll be good in time :-)

Safeway Job question?

Ok, so i just applied at a safeway and im 14 and their were 2 positions open for a courtesy clerk(aka bagger} and i met the assistant manager when iwas applying and she told me to come back on friday and meet her boss that manages the people that apply and so i met her today and im the nice, clean, hardworker kinda guy and i really want this job i had refreces

I need advice please ?

Before I tell my problem here is a little about me so you'll understand. I'm 14 years old. I just finished my first year in high school. I'm 5 feet and 1 inch. I also am 119 lbs. I always try to be like someone else especially my sister. It seems like everyone likes her better than me. I'm afraid to be myself. I think it's because i'm worried about what people think. I have low self esteem I think i'm too fat. One reason is because everyone in my house is smaller than me. I am the oldest kid in my house. Some of my siblings say i am fat. I feel like a talentless freak. My parents put me in a home schooling program cause they didn't want me to go to a high school. I never wanted to be home schooled. Ever since I've been home schooled I don't see my friends as much and I also gained 20 pounds. I want to the gym but my parents are super strict they barely let me do anything. I used to be good around other people. Now when I go to parties or sleepovers I'm glad to see my friends but I feel weird. I don't really talk because my sister tells me I always say dumb stuff. When I do talk I get sweaty and shakey. Then when I come home I think damn I should've said such and such. I don't even feel comfortable talking to my mom or aunts. The only person I feel comfortable talking to my sister who is 15 months younger than me. But most of the time she doesn't seem to understand me. My sister is very pretty she's also slim and tall she's like 5 inches taller than me. I'm short and fat I want to loose 20 lbs she said if I loose that much weight I will look bad. But i dont have a flat stomach. I would do almost anything for one. I want a therapist but I'm to shy to tell anyone, and I'm afraid that I'm going to look bad. I'm not really close to my mom or dad.

My wife is acting childish?

Our son is going out on a date this Friday and my wife wants me to let him borrow my 2009 Mercedes-Benz CL550 4MATIC. I bought that car for $130,000 and it goes from 0-60 in 4.8 seconds, I'm not going to let him borrow it. I've seen him drive. He was texting while driving right in front of me. I worked hard for that car and I'm not going to let something happen to it intentionally. Hot girl, hot car on Friday night...what do you think will win? The car will be destroyed and a baby might be on the way. He can take her wagon...yeah wagons are lame but at least it's a Benz. When I was his age I had to take my girlfriend out in a piece of crap Chevrolet wagon. My dad has a Benz but he didn't let me borrow it. I don't give a damn if he is embarrassed, when the car is destroyed I am the one who has to pay the price. The insurance will cover it but the rate will go up like crazy. Plus if he crashes the car (there is a 99% chance he will), I will be mad and do everything I can to make his high school years a living hell. We can all just avoid that by not letting him take my car. What to do? Someone please help me. My wife is mad at me because I won't let him borrow my car.

When liberals call us tea baggers is it because they are the ones being tea bagged by fiscal responsibility?

No, it's because they can't argue with principles of limited government on an intellectual level so they resort to the tactics of a school yard bully.

In Oklahoma, can I work at a grocery store at age 14?

I know in some states you can work as a bagger in a grocery store when your 14, but I wasn't sure about Oklahoma.

Y&R spoilers would you care to look?

It doesn't matter. I did just get done reading them. You see,my grown son,whom I live with decided to cancel our cable,so spoilers and nice people like you are keeping me almost sane. Thank you.

Inexperianced - is this sort of thing common?

The more you concentrate your efforts on resolving this issue, the more of a problem it might become. Your gf sounds mature and understanding, so maybe she is the one you need to talk to. How about enjoying the intimate moments without it having to lead to anything else? Seems to me that your anxiety regarding sex is leading to more problems. Remove the cause of anxiety, then things should work out slowly and over time.

Ipod touch please helP!?

I Have episodes of a show (Primeval -.- damn u lisa) on my computer and I was wondering if you could tell me how to put it ont my Ipod touch. HELP ME! Thanks. PS do I need to download anything to put it on there.(FREE PLEASSE) Thanks..again

Have Americans now seen the damage that the Tea Party is causing to the economy? Will they end it in 2012?

Yes and they are running from the Tea Party as fast as they can. Tea Baggers will ruin this country.

This or That? Spellings?

with baby names, it often happens to be that parents choose the name however they like, and It always works! i've met people with all of these names, who all spell them differently! it's just what you like best xx

If You had Triplet Girls, What would you name Them?

Why are teen girls on here obsessed with having triplets?! I'm a triplet, I HATE it, and it definitely wasn't fun for my parents either.

Help i guess? Im a girl?

Im 13 and yesterday i had my first smoke and well nothing big but doesnt matter to me at times i want to smoke but i only done it once and anyway i feel by ******* day i am angry and sad at the same damn time! im sick of it I get a big wave of sadness for no reason and then angry to the point i hit myself (rare) and few days ago i made a threat to my mom..i didnt mean to but she got me mad and im a no way a animal abuser but every time it worse and worse to the point im hurting my beautiful self-hatred has grown for a long time and the anger as well and i wanna know how to stop feeling like sh!t!!! Now,I feel angry all the time and pretty much sad the whole time i just turned 13...what if its because im hormonal??? Im a girl so yeah im in differents mood at the same time so i need a bit of advice to stop feeling this way or what?

I have a question about a pregnancy bagger...?

I am four weeks and two days pregnant and I work as a bagger at Publix for almost a year. Is it okay? I usually bag food and stuff and sometimes lift boxes of water bottles and up to 50 pounds bags of dog food. I also push up to five carts at a time. Is it risky and can it cause a miscarriage?

This or that - girl and boy names?

honestly i like the names.... Santana, Mercedes(:, Baily, and Skyler or Camii for girls. and for boys... Skylar, Jalen, Jayden, Mason, Dayton, Emilio

How to get my dream come true? give me some idea?

I was 18 when i joined my dads photo studio, i use to come in morning at 8:30 till 8:30 night i useto work... after some times dad sold 1 of his flat in 6 lakhs.. i told pls give me some so that i can learn animetion becoz i always wanted to do that i wasnt good in my school i just did 10nth and i join dad... that time dad use to love me alot after some years i told dad lets start a biger studio at are shop that is in the posh area and it closed from long time we colud hav god more work over there and good money also but he told know u first be perfect over here and then after some time we will start over there.... i asked many time and he asnwer me same all time, after some years 1 off my sister died from the 3, all the 3 were married but the 1 died use to stay aloan in her flat bcoz she was divored and so dad took the flat and of her after she died he change all documents and add my step moms name it but not my. i hav not seen my real mom becoz i was 9 month when she died, when i was 2 my dad got me a step mom my 3 sister told me.... dad u to always tell me dont u worry i am with u.... day by day was passing the studio in which i use to sit was at 3rd flr and so work was getting lesser, less work means less money.... i told dad lets move from here to that shop or atlist u sit over there we can start something over there so we get income from 2 sides. but like always he told same after some time and i trusted him. he always told all that i hav is yous after me it u to use it and i use to be relex. at 28 i got married when she first time came at my shop dad told her dont u worry we are soon going to open a studio at are posh area shop u join him over there... the girl also i told her abt my dream studio and she liked my idea... but here my step mom never liked my wife she wanted a girl who do what she say and do what she say..... mom thought if my wife and i open studio the shop will go from her hands so she started telling lies about me and my wife to dad..... she told my wife b4 marrieg u hav to stay in another flat after marrieg i will not let u stay here... we told this to dad but he didnt see wahat mom was doning and he thought i and my wife are liers... many times he told us to go from house to anothe flat but my 2 sister came and stoped that time my dad u to do as if he has not said us to go.... but 1 day we had to go whole night i cryed bcoz stoped my studio going also and told every one i am takeing all proffite from there and giveing to my wife but in 14 years i had not open my back account also and in studio bank account also dad only can opret... i went to my C.A and asked abt my papers so that i can hav loan but there i new my dad always show me as a worker in my shop and he use to give me 5000 per month which was also just on pappers i was not getting any thing... we didnt hav job or or any thing to cook so we use to eat any thing that is for 20 to 40 Rs only as we had less money soon my wife got job for 4500 Rs... after some time i too get some work on daily pay 100 to 200 Rs i use to serve food and drink etc.... soon i got job in my wifes show room where i sold cars but still they didnt pay me my commition in 4500 i had to use my petrol which was not possible but still we both worked... there to my dad started creating problems for me he started telling all i left them aloan and went with my wife.... all started telling me bad things that i should be shamed that i left old dad but it was not true he told me to go...... one day he told me its my goodness that i giveng u this flat to stay or u both would hav become baggers.... this flat which he got us to stay was also not his but my 1 sister who is no more.... my dad called me to his loyer on sunday.. i went there and i saw my dad talking to loyer sir just do anything but i want my flat back becoz here the flat was under me but the names in document were of my dad and step mom and the flat dad and mom use to stay were in 2 parts in which 1 part was on my name so he thought if we didnt ake 1 flat 1 day i can be oner of 2 flats so loyer also tryed to scare me... dad told me i will give u 3 lakhs when flat is sold but here also he cheated after a long fight he gives me 1 lakh i came to my old flat my 1 sister also started fighting with me and supported my dad but my 2nd sister help me and my wife by money and support.... today also my dad is the same not talking with me and he is scared from my step mom.... i dont hav money to start my studio.... my relative or friends are also not with me.... only 1 good thing is there with me and thats my wife she works hard and helps me she sold her all gold she got whe she was married for getting me a camera but i am not getting work bcoz i dont hav shop and investment to start a studio. i cant get loan as i donth hav is not givenig me the document of my flat also and the shop is still closed he isnt giveing me.. my dream is to start a studio and stop my wifes work and give her happyness

What should my mom name her baby?

Jackson Cole Zachary sounds good! I also really like Noah and Aiden. I like the name Maddox, but I don't think it sounds as good as some of the other names with Zachary. Congrats to your mom and step dad! God is good :)

Now that Obama has appeased Trumpites and Tea Baggers, what will Trump and O'Donnell have to harp on?

this is a sad day for America, when the POTUS has to post his birth certificate on the white house website after sitting in office for 3's just sad and pathetic.

21nova roulette betting amount question?

So basically I am considering signing up to 21nova to play roulette and blackjack a little for fun (damn cruising - it got me hooked! lol) but I was just wondering what the minimum and maximum bet for both roulette and blackjack are, so i can decide if it's worth it or if i have no chance of even winning back a few pounds. I'll be using the UK site, so preferably in pounds please.

POLL: Should i take the job or not?

I had a job interview for a grocery store today. I previously worked at a grocery store before as a cashier. This grocery store said that I would first start out as a bagger. I would have to clean bathrooms, bag, help customers out, and bring in carts. My problem is is that I have asthma and I'm not sure if I could do the carts. The manager said I could be a bagger for a week or for months. So I'm trying to decide if the job is offered If I should take it. So I want your advice. Do you think I should take the job? I'm not in desperate need of money and I go to college.

Ipod touch please helP!?

Ipod touch please helP!?I Have episodes of a show (Primeval -.- damn u lisa) on my computer and I was wondering if you could tell me how to put it ont my Ipod touch. HELP ME! Thanks. PS do I need to download anything to put it on there.(FREE PLEASSE) Thanks..again

HELP!!! My friend is stealing my other friend from me!?

Me and my friends are like super close! I love them and they love me!!!! But my friend, lets call her Katherine is stealing my best friend lets call her Jasmine. Jasmine has just moved here and i really like hanging out with her! Katherine thinks i'm stealing Jasmine from her but i'm not! Im just hanging out with her! And whenever i see Katherine lonely i ask her to join us but then she just ignores me. All 3 of us use Facebook so we can chat with each other. Well when ever i post something to tell Jasmine something she just butts in! Katherine is also always correcting me and she thinks she's all that! You can say that were all kinda nerdy but Katherine is like so annoying! Sometimes I wish Jasmine can see it but she's super nice to realize how Mean and annoying Katherine can get!

Would it be disastrous for Mitt Romney if he does not distance himself from TEA BAGGERS esp. M. Bachmann?

The Tea Party is very vocal, but also very small. No one will win an election by focusing too much on them. Romney would need to appeal to the more centrist voters to win.

Since the Tea Party has limited knowledge and lots of ignorance on the Economy, why would anyone follow lead?

Well, if you check the Republican/Tea Party Handbook, you would recall that educated people are the Liberal Elite and are to be shunned at all costs. Particularly anybody who has a Liberal Arts education from one of those fancy Ivy League Colleges.

What about Kurt Gibson and his DBacks?

As a Dodgers fan I am glad to see one of our own do good. Don is a Yankees Carpet Bagger and I hope he gets fired as he is a horrible Manager.

Why does Katherine Heigl play the same characters in all her movies?

In all of her movies, from the Ugly truth, to the Bounty Hunter, 27 dresses, Killers, and I'm sure there's others, she always acts like an awkward, uptight, but slightly attractive still, woman. Has she ever played a different character?

A guy I like is dating a woman way older than him..?

He is 24 she is 47 and i'm 21. He did always tell me he was interested in older women but I did not expect this.. It kinda sucks seeing it but they seem happy for now anyway. Who knows maybe they will stay together and be great. But my question to you is whats this whole fascination with "cougars." Are they in the same place in their lives? Both want to get married and have kids or is it the un attachment aspect? For the guy I like he has never been in a real relationship before because he likes his freedom although he isn't one of those guys that likes to just hook up with girls.. They are living together now and i'm curious what their intensions are in life together.... Which I know you can't answer for them but damn I have nowhere else to provide me with helpful information..

I need to know if it this or something else,what do you think?

Im 13 and yesterday i had my first smoke and well nothing big but doesnt matter to me at times i want to smoke but i only done it once and anyway i feel by ******* day i am angry and sad at the same damn time! im sick of it I get a big wave of sadness for no reason and then angry to the point i hit myself (rare) and few days ago i made a threat to my mom..i didnt mean to but she got me mad and im a no way a animal abuser but every time it worse and worse to the point im hurting my beautiful self-hatred has grown for a long time and the anger as well and i wanna know how to stop feeling like sh!t!!! Now,I feel angry all the time and pretty much sad the whole time i just turned 13...what if its because im hormonal??? Im a girl so yeah im in differents mood at the same time so i need a bit of advice to stop feeling this way or what?

Why does andy murray need balance?

why does andy murray need balance, why does jessica ennis need co-ordination, why does katherine grainger need power, why does andrew strauss need good reaction-time

Is there anything I can do about this? Work related!?

I've been working at my job for almost 5 years as a bagger and have not been promoted. I have seen so many people come and go it's pathetic. I've also seen so many people that have been there for far less time than I have been and get promoted. Now there is an opportunity for a job that I really want and it's in Liquor.... but here we go again someone that has been at my work less than I have been is going to get the job. He's a guy and I think that's why he got the job. Or maybe I'm just a push over. I don't know but it's so wrong. I work so hard. I never do anything wrong, and I'm a good worker. I'm very rarely late. I also work in a union. Is there anything I can do about this? or the union can do about this? should I give them a call?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

So many girls at work...what to do?

Alright so I work at Kroger and im a bagger most of the time and I see so many cute girls as I'm bagging groceries I want to approach them but I can't just leave out of the blue because I'm being supervised and it's making me crazy like today I was bagging and I look at this pretty girl and she's just looking me up and down with a smile like "I want you right now" it drove me nuts so what's a good way to get to talk to them?

Cute girl name ideas?

What are some really cute a girly names? Maybe old fashioned names like Katherine or Annabel? Or some cute modern names. Either way what are some girly names? Thanks!

How to get rid of his ex!? :(?

Me and my boyfriend met on FB.. m 14 and hes 17.. im Indian and hes an Arab.. we started off about hip hop.. bdw hes a famous rapper here in muscat..we kept on talking about hip hop and how we both love it.. i asked him if i could be a part of it etc... he asked me to call him.. our first talk went quite well and we had many things in common ..and i had a slight crush on him checking out his pictures.. hes HAWT! well we used to talk to each other like everyday.. he used to tell me about his girlfriend ayesha whose 15..and that they used to have fights cause she used to talk to other guys and she dint care much for him.. ( they were together for 6 months) i advised him , consoled him etc..and once we decided to meet.. that day was actually the BEST! we spent like 5 hours together.. we talked laughed etc and i got really good vibes from him :).. and i just couldn't keep it in me..i told him that i liked him.. and when we were about to leave he gave me a kiss me and said he liked me much before cause m really sweet to him and all but he dint wanna tell me cause he thought i was in a relationship already.. as days past we were constantly in touch.. on the phone.. on fb.. 24x7! and hes really famous in my school (senior block) even tho hes in some Omani school.. everyone is like congratulating me like m very lucky to have him and amazing to steal him from his ex! many girls tried to break us up cause girls DIE for him.. but our bond was really strong.. we loved each other allot! i kept on asking him if he still liked Ayesha .. he told me that i was his only & main priority in his life and he cared a damn for her now..we continued meeting etc.. now on 17th hes leaving to iraq for good :'( and m leaving to dubai too. I wanna make the most of it with him till then.. now its like Ayesha wants him back.. she loves him and actually cut her vein for him.. and she cries for him like she never cried before.. he told me all this.. and plus i read his inbox too.. shes bleeding.. and her besties beg him to go back to her.. and hes like he has no other option but to be with her.. he said he loves me but he doesn't like to see any girl cry for him no matter how bad she is and if he doesn't go to her she ll die..but till now he still tells me he loves me not her.. i deactivated my FB account cause every time i check his wall..i see her posts etc